In-house Services / Entrusted Development / no plan labo / Cooperation / Consulting
A tool for more efficient development of applications incorporating NFTs, TIUS
A metaverse community exclusive to NFT holders, where 'creating' and 'enjoying' meet, ReCone 🦄
It is possible to naturally make users aware without occupying the screen, reducing the dropout rate of the game.
Bizuka can generate 'online meeting business card backgrounds'. Even if you do not have an account, you can complete the exchange of business cards by holding the QR code of the 'online meeting business card background' on the camera app, and store it as data.
By using 'BenTo Go', restaurants can publish take-out information on the Internet in an environment where it is 'easy, free, and immediately available' using a smartphone. In addition, we have prepared an environment where even those who are unfamiliar with it can receive support on how to use it via chat.
When you come near a place that 'looks good on Instagram', you will be notified by the app! All you have to do is take a photo with your favorite camera app! It's okay to go out without a plan!
We have supported the development of the Secret Network project overseas.
We created a website for the Singapore Mita-kai, an association of Keio University alumni.
We developed a campaign website for I-PRIMO Singapore.
We created an overseas migration / tax saving support website exclusively for high-income earners.
JPYC management and no plan Inc. mutually appointed as advisors to improve NFT's convenience.
Recochoku Enters web3 Business, Looks to the Future of the Entertainment Industry with NFT Marketplace.
New business development in the NFT and DeFi.
SUSHI TOP MARKETING and no plan expand web3 business through collaboration.
We created a website for "むかしむかし inc." which supports SNS x Story Marketing.
This one-stop service smoothly integrates the establishment of an Apple corporate account, paid app registration, and tax filing with the U.S.
Aoki International Tax & Accounting Office and no plan Inc join hands to provide total support for moving and setting up business overseas.We provide one-stop support for the procedures necessary to start up your life and business in Singapore.Start your new life with peace of mind with no plan.
Our Japanese staff will provide you with one-stop support so that you can easily hold events in Singapore.
「東京電力TEPCOさん」と「中部電力CHUBEさん」のJoint venture company #GGG さんの主催イベント『Global Leader Online Salon』にて、 no plan inc. CEO おかむー( @okamu_ro )が「ビジネス戦略やノープランの開発トレンド」などをお話しさせていただきました!! #GlobalLeaderOnlineSalon #noplan
貢献報酬をブロックチェーンの力で最適化してプロジェクトの目的達成を促進する「Questry Protocol」を活用したコンサルティング、開発支援を行う株式会社クエストリー様とno plan inc.が業務提携を実施
「東京電力TEPCOさん」と「中部電力CHUBEさん」のJoint venture company #GGG さんの主催イベント『THE Y』にて、 no plan inc. CEO おかむーがアドバイザーとして対談させていただきました!!
Webシステムやブロックチェーン技術に関するコンサルティング、設計、開発、運用などを行うno plan株式会社は、さらなる体制の強化を目的として、SUSHI TOP MARKETING株式会社とパートナーシップを締結したことをお知らせします。
Webプロダクトの急成長に隠された秘密を徹底議論しました・大手企業さんとベンチャーの融合! ・ #エンジニア にとって本当に働きやすい環境は? #devMeetupNoplan
Webシステムやブロックチェーン技術に関するコンサルティング、設計、開発、運用などを行うno plan株式会社は、さらなる体制の強化を目的として、DX推進事業を手掛けるFabeee株式会社とパートナーシップを締結したことをお知らせします。
JPYC開発の技術顧問としてno plan株式会社のCo-founder/CTOである芹川が就任したことをお知らせします。
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